Becoming a Vendor

Vendors for Roots N' Boots Queen Creek 2025

2025 Vendor slots are currently full.
We are accepting applications for the waitlist.

Submitting an application does NOT guarantee a spot. Accepted vendors will be notified by the Vendor coordinator. We hosted over 24,000 visitors for Roots N’ Boots Queen Creek last year and that continued our pattern of growth.

  1. First review the Roots N Boots Queen Creek 2025 Vendor Application, including load in and load out dates & times.
  2. Next, email the vendor coordinator a detailed explanation of what goods, food or services you are going to sell.
  3. The Vendor Coordinator will provide further information or answer any questions, including how to pay your fees by either check or with a Credit Card or Paypal at our online store here.   NOTE: You will be staying on the Roots N’ Boots Queen Creek website
2025 Vendor Application

Food Truck Inspections Are Required

The Queen Creek Fire Prevention is requiring that ALL food vendors have a food truck inspection prior to the event. This inspection can be done by any fire department or fire district in the state of Arizona and Queen Creek Fire Prevention will accept those fire inspection reports. Queen Creek Fire Prevention will complete this inspection prior to the event at no charge.

To take advantage of this offer, Food vendors will need to call 480-358-3028 to schedule the inspection at Queen Creek Town Hall, 22358 S Ellsworth Rd, Queen Creek, AZ 85142.

Please leave a copy of the inspection report in the window of the vehicle or have it readily available upon request when you arrive for Vendor Checkin. You will not be allowed to open without proof of inspection.

Reach Out

Unfortunately, Roots N’ Boots Queen Creek 2021 has been cancelled, but …

we are still holding smaller, fun community events, like our upcoming Trail Ride.

See you at Roots N' Boots Queen Creek March 16-20, 2022


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