Xtreme Teen (XT) [12-19yrs]

Only one Minor Waiver is required per child.
Adults (18 years of age or older) participating in Ranch Dressing or Xtreme Teen, just sign the Adult waiver.
Saturday 1:00pm to 4:00pm (Registration Opens at 11:00am)
Calling all teens ages 12 to 19! Grab your friends and come on out for FREE rodeo fun and a chance at great prizes. Six lucky teens will win beautiful Roots N’ Boots custom buckles. Tons of other prizes are available too like Shoppers Supply Gift Cards and other merchandise from Shoppers Supply, our sponsor .
No livestock experience necessary to participate. All activities are done on foot in the covered arena so wear your cowboy boots or running shoes (no sandals please). This year the activities include some of your old favorites like the Xtreme Chute Doggin’, The Chicken Challenge, and the Piggy Back Hustle.
Bringing back Goat Tying by popular request this year!
Some of the events are individual like the Xtreme Chute Doggin’. Other events are Team events. No need to bring a team though because there will be lots of other teens looking to partner up for some Xtreme fun. Teams form right at the starting line so everyone ages 12 to 19 can get involved.
Event is run in the covered arena on Saturday from 1:00pm to 4:00pm
Great prizes like buckles, gift cards and much more donated by our generous sponsor, Shoppers Supply. Prizes will be awarded at 4pm in the stands immediately following the event.
Xtreme Teen Rodeo is FREE to enter. Event parking is just $5 per day.
Registration starts at 11:00am and runs until 1:30pm. There is no late registration.
Event activities are from 1:00pm to 4:00pm, with prizes awarded at the end of the event.
General Information:
All participants must have a waiver completed and be wearing an official back number to participate in Xtreme Teen events.
Some Xtreme Teen activities may be run concurrently due to time constraints. Listen to the announcements at the event for the up-to-the-minute action reports in our covered arena. We will try to time events so that everyone can participate in every event they want to join the fun for.
Xtreme Teen Events
Xtreme Chute Doggin'
Definitely a crowd favorite! This event is also called “steer toss’”. In this event participants are timed on how long it takes them to lay a steer down on its side. Participants start in the official rodeo buckin’ chute with their steer, when the chute opens the participant has 30 seconds to try and get that steer down on its side with all 4 feet off the ground. Don’t worry, there will be a demonstration and plenty of coaches to help you understand what to do. Come on, you know you want to try it! Two champion buckles (boy & girl) will be awarded in this event, so girls you only compete against each other to win a buckle.
Goat Tying
Back by popular request is Goat Tying. In our Xtreme Teen version of Goat Tying, you will run out to catch your staked goat. Then, you flip and tie 3 legs together. After tying your goat you race back across the finish line. The first participant to get back across the line wins!!! Of course, you need to tie your goat well enough that it stays tied until you cross that finish line. Don’t know how to tie a goat? Don’t worry, we will give demonstrations before the event so why not give it a try! Goat tying ropes will be provided – no need to bring your own. Buckles for the fastest boy and girl plus other great prizes for our heat winners from Shoppers Supply.
Chicken Challenge
One of our funniest events to watch! All we can say is the event involves a team of two, a crazy chicken and a bouncing rooster. You have to come out and experience it for yourself! All ages 12 to 19 can participate together. Lots of great prizes donated by our sponsor Shoppers Supply.
Piggy Back Hustle
Barrel racing with a twist! One partner is the “horse” and one is the “rider”. Each team competes for piggyback style on our traditional barrel pattern. Fastest team wins the heat and a prize…winners of the heats get into the finals round to compete for the grand prizes. Event open to partners of all ages 12 to 19. Teams often form at the starting line so don’t worry if you arrive without a partner! Custom Roots N’ Boots buckles to the fastest team and many other great prizes from Shoppers Supply for our heat winners.
Dummy Roping
Come to either practice, or learn, roping a dummy animal’s horns to win prizes provided by Shoppers Supply! Fastest boy and girl time win a buckle!