Trail Rides
We have many Trail Rides during the year, hosted by Friends of Horseshoe Park, and in conjunction with Roots N’ Boots Queen Creek. Details can be found under Related Events on the home page.
Please check back in the fall for 2025 updates
Roots N' Boots Queen Creek Kickoff Trail Ride - Saturday, March 9, 2024
This is a BYOH Event
(Bring Your Own Horse)
We will ride from Horseshoe Park along Sonoqui Wash to Desert Wells Stage Stop, and then back.
Checkin starts at 9am we will ride out at 10:00 AM sharp from the North overflow lot at Horseshoe park.
The ride is 4 miles round trip and should take us 2 to 2 1/2 hours.
We will be providing a lunch afterwards; lunch tickets provided with completed waiver. Bring Your Own Chair!
Waivers are required and you can either fill them out at the ride or download the waiver here and fill it out before hand.
Raffle ticket will be provided free of charge for each waiver returned, with lots of really great raffle prizes.
No registration or RSVP is required – just show up!
Please remember to clean up around your trailer after the ride.
We will ride along the Sonoqui wash from Horseshoe Park overflow lot to the Desert Wells Stage Stop. There are is one road crossing at Hawes Road, and we will have QCPD there for safety. We will cross under Chandler Heights bridge and there may be some water present.
Past Trailrides
The Kickoff Trail Ride is an all ages, all abilities ride, so we ask that equines only walk – no loping or running – and that all riders stay behind the ride leader.
Sometimes there is water in Sonoqui Wash and often wildlife.
There are no facilities on the ride and we pass under the Chandler Heights bridge.